
Success Stories, Wins & Testimonials

“The best part of my job. I truly love being a part of all your health and fitness journeys and hearing how FABfit has changed your life.”

– Lauren W.

“I’m amazed that my daughter got me to start my journey into Fabfit Tone with Lauren when the thought of any exercise was not exciting to me at all! I now love working with weights in a fast, fun, challenging workout and I am loving the results! I feel so much stronger, tone, and more confident in my skin! At 58, I truly wasn’t sure I could keep up with it at the beginning and now I look so forward to my workouts! Thank you Lauren!

– Heidi

“FABFit fits into my life. I can squeeze in the workouts on my schedule and have been for 10 months, which is the longest I’ve stuck with any at home workout program. I never thought I would be someone who lifted weights, but I can feel my muscles growing and it encourages me to press on! Lauren always seems to give encouragement when I need it (even though videos are pre-recorded!), she is a wealth of knowledge, and even though it’s not a two way video, it’s a very personal experience. I have lost inches in waist, hips, arms and legs and feel so much better in my clothes. Recommend this program to anyone whether just getting started or looking for a challenge.”

– Jen

“I started FABfit about a year after having my second child. At that time I was about 40 pounds over weight, had little energy, lacked confidence, and didn’t think I could fit in a workout program while juggling a family and full time job. Once I started FABfit I was hooked because it easily fit into my busy schedule and I worked out at the times that were convenient to me and my family. This program has given me the permission to do something for myself! I’ve become stronger, lost weight, and gained confidence. I’m so proud to be part of the FABfit community!”

– Allison

“Love, love, love FABFit! I’ve been doing the program for about two years and I love the flexibility of doing it all at home and fitting it into my schedule. I was even able to do it throughout my pregnancy (with modifications!) and now postpartum!”

– Allie

“Can I just say how much I LOVED hearing your everyday life in the background??!! It was unbelievably comforting to workout with someone real, living a real life.”

– Maureen

“Omg where to start?? I love being part of FABfit. I am so proud of myself for sticking to it, I am definitely stronger in every sense (mentally emotionally and especially physically) each week I can hold planks a little longer, do a few more pushups than the week before before needing a break. “

– Jessica

“FABFit has been a total game changer for me. I started Lauren’s program after my second pregnancy and was the weakest and most out of shape I have ever been in my life. I committed to a 5 week session and was so excited by how much strength I had gained. Now 1.5 years later I am the strongest I have ever been and feel incredible. In addition to how I look and feel, FABFit has completely shifted my midset from wanting to be skinny to wanting to be my strongest and healthiest instead. I no longer dread my workouts but instead look forward to them and love how I feel afterwards. Consistency has definitely been the key to my success and I wouldn’t have achieved that without Lauren and FABFit!”

– Ashley

“I started FabFit with Lauren almost a year ago and it is the longest I have ever stuck with a program! I hated working out, but I look forward to my FabFit workouts every week! Not only did Lauren’s program help me lose 30 pounds, I am now stronger and more toned in areas that I never thought I would be.”

– Meghan

FabFit is the only program I have consistently stuck with for over a year now. Lauren makes the program real with obtainable goals and a wonderful positive attitude and the best part is I look forward to it everyday! I do it on my time, in my home or on the road. It really has been a huge part of my life! “

– Catherine

I feel so much stronger and healthier because of FABfit! Exercises that felt almost impossible when we started are much easier now! “

– Nicole

“Laura I just finished week 6 in shred and loved it so much! I can’t wait to start it over and do another round of it. I feel so much stronger and the workouts were more challenging for me! I love the 5 day schedule too… I’ve been doing a pelaton ride on day 5!” – Lauren

“You are the best, Lauren! I feel like I’m finally accomplishing some of my conditioning goals and I’m so much stronger!

– Mary

“I couldn’t speak more highly of the FABfit programs – both Balance and the fitness programs. I started the FABFit Balance program in January 2021 at the request of my general practitioner. FabFit Balance allowed flexibility where and when I needed and taught me where I needed to put more focus in my diet. In four months, I am down 22 pounds and have kept it off. Bonus: I didn’t have to give up wine or dessert…it’s just all about Balance. Investing in my health is the best decision I made.“

– Lauren

“My favorite videos are the ones with you and Dave because not only am I getting a great work out in but I love watching the two of you together! Your dynamic cracks me up! The work out flies by!”

– Sandra

“The thing I love most about FABfit is everything!! I crave working out and even days I don’t want to, I feel so much better afterwards. I used to love leg days most in the beginning (which was only back in February) and now arm days are my fav!”

– Samantha

This is awesome!!! So great!! Count me in for the next round and beyond…you have helped me to reach some major fitness goals and I’m forever grateful!!”

– Lauren

“I have been using FABfit as part of my wellness routine for almost 2 years and I love it! Being a single mom who works full time the at-home workouts really coexist well with my busy schedule. I have seen my body change in ways that I didn’t think was possible post baby.”

– Laura

“Last night my husband told me that I look the best I ever have!! After 3 kids and almost 10 years of marriage, that is a huge testament to FABfit! I am in the best shape of my life and feel so strong and confident! Thank you for your dedication to this program and to all the women who do it! You are awesome!”

– Workouts Member

“I love it!! Feeling good and always excited to do the next one. It’s hard for me to commit to anything outside the house- so this perfect!!”

– Workouts Member

“I truly LOVED FABFit Balance. I don’t feel like I’m on a diet. It’s everything I’ve always wanted to know about eating well that I never learned. For the first time I really do feel balanced and that I’m fueling my body the way I should be. This is the best I’ve ever felt in my life and I’m excited to continue my journey.” ​

– Balance Member