Get Started with 3 Easy Steps!
Watch the welcome video above & then click here to join the Members Only Facebook Group!
Select a workout program. Check out the comparison chart and/or take the quiz to find the best program for you. Then scroll down to start the program!
Set a plan and STICK to it! Invite friends to join because it’s always more fun with friends 😉
FABfit Balance is a Self Paced Virtual Course that will end yo-yo dieting forever and give you life long success!
An Effective Fitness Program That You Will Actually Stick With And Continue To Do Beyond The "Honeymoon" Phase.
Reserve Your Spot Now!
Get 4 weeks of FREE workouts and start feeling your best!
Kickstart Program
Offer Expires On Sunday, January 8th!
Let's Get Started!
Watch the short welcome video to find out everything you need to know to get started AND find the most success over the next month! Be sure to join the private Facebook group!
You’ll find all the workout videos below — just click play!
- You Need: a set of dumbbells (5-10 lbs is good)
- Optional: 2-3 sets of dumbbells, bands, a kettlebell and step
- Print or screen shot the workout tracker below
- Set aside 30 minutes - 4 days each week!
- Click to join the Private Facebook Group for extra support!
Let's Get Started!
Watch the short welcome video to find out everything you need to know to get started AND find the most success over the next month! Be sure to join the private Facebook group!
You’ll find all the workout videos below — just click play!
- Equipment: a set of dumbbells (5-10 lbs is good)
- Print or screen shot the workout tracker below
- Set aside 30 minutes - 3 days each week!
- Click to join the Private Facebook Group for extra support!
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FABfit Balance
Self-Pace Virtual Nutrition Course
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My Fitness Pal Tutorial
Sample Meal Plan, Macro Friendly Swaps, Recipes, and so much more!
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FABfit Balance
Self-Pace Virtual Nutrition Course
Custom Macro Calculator
My Fitness Pal Tutorial
Sample Meal Plan, Macro Friendly Swaps, Recipes, and so much more!
30 Day Money Back Guarantee
FREE 14 Day Trial!
Kickstart your fitness journey so you can finally stick with exercise and see results!
No Credit Card Required!
Join with the Yearly Membership and get over $2000 in Bonuses for FREE!
Don’t Delay Offer Ends Friday 1/27/23!
FREE 7 Day Trial!
Kickstart your fitness journey so you can finally stick with exercise and see results!
No Credit Card Required!
Take The Fit 4 Summer Challenge!
This 6 Week Challenge will help you ditch perfection and stay motivated going into the summer months!
Challenge Starts May 1st – but get instant access to the workouts so the sooner you join the longer you have!
Get 4 weeks of effective, doable workouts and start feeling your best! Perfect for beginners or those who “fell off” and need some motivation to start again!
Starts Monday, March 27th!
Over $2000 in Bonuses!! They’re back for just 48 Hours!
JOIN FABfit And Have Yearly Access
To Amazing Workouts Plus SO Much MORE!
- 1 year access to ALL 7 training programs ($225 value)
- 1 year access to FABfit Balance ($497 value)
- 1 year of monthly Q & A videos with me! ($1,200+ value)
- Quick Start Macros Cheat Sheet ($200 value)
- Access to Private Facebook Group ($350 value)
Over $2000 in Bonuses!! Watch the video for more detials!
JOIN FABfit And Have Yearly Access
To Amazing Workouts Plus SO Much MORE!
- 1 year access to ALL 7 training programs ($225 value)
- 1 year access to FABfit Balance ($497 value)
- 1 year of monthly Q & A videos with me! ($1,200+ value)
- Quick Start Macros Cheat Sheet ($200 value)
- Access to Private Facebook Group ($350 value)
FABfit Kickstart
Let's Get Started!
Watch the short welcome video to find out everything you need to know to get started AND find the most success over the next month!
You’ll find all the workout videos below — just click play!
- You Need: a set of dumbbells (5-10 lbs is good)
- Optional: 2-3 sets of dumbbells, bands, a kettlebell and step
- Print or screen shot the workout tracker below
- Set aside 30 minutes - 4 days each week!
Beginners -- Start Here With 3 Pre-Kickstart Workouts
or Skip the Pre-Workouts And Scroll Down to Jump Right In!
Pre- Kickstart Workouts
Day 1: Lower Body
Activation Circuit (4 minutes)– 20 sec. march/jog, 20 jacks, 12 squats, 20 static lunges
10 minute tabata – 20 on 10 off 4 times
- Split Squat/step out squat
- Lateral lunge knee up (2 each side)
- Paused jump lunge/ dp reverse lunge
- Skaters
- 3 jacks, 2 squats
Strength Circuit 1 (5 mins.): 12 kettlebell sumo squat, 20 weighted lunge, 12 squat crunch
Challenge move cardio 1 min.: squat to lunge hop
Strength Circuit 1 (5 mins.): 12 kettlebell sumo squat, 20 weighted lunge, 12 squat crunch
Challenge move cardio 1 min.: squat to lunge hop
Cool Down
Day 2: Upper Body
Activation Circuit (5 Minutes): 12 banded lat pull downs, 16 alternating bicep curls, 12 tricep extensions
Triset: 12 side raises, 12 chest press, 16 static curls
Challenge Combo Move #1 – 3 sets of 10: hammer curl to press
Superset: 12 upright rows, 12 chest flys
Pyramid 15/12/10/8: reverse flys
Pyramid 15/12/10/8: kickbacks
**Burnout: push ups
Cool Down
Day 3: Full Body
Warm Up- 2 mins.- jog, jacks, squats, marching crunch, y swings
Tabata Style 40 on 10 off 4 times
- Dumbbell Squat Press
- Plank renegade row
- Reverse lunge bicep curls
- Step-out squat to upright row
- Bent leg taps alternating skull crusher and flys
- Curtsy lunge hold weighs at together at chest
5 Minute Core Circuit 12 supine march (alternating heel tap downs), 20 dead bugs, 12 crunches, 20 bicycle crunches
Cool Down
4 Week Kickstart Program Workouts
Kickstart Fitness Program
Week 1 Day 1: Pull Day (Back and Biceps)
Equipment needed: light/medium/heavy dumbbells, bands
Activation Circuit (5 Minutes): 12 banded lat pull downs, 12 ½ Deadlift row, 20 cross body alternating bicep curls
Superset: 16 static curls, 16 alternating overhead press
Challenge Combo Move #1 – 3 sets of 10 Bicep opener to hammer curl
Challenge Como Move #2 – 3 sets of 10 Dumbbell squat press
Superset: 12 reverse flys, 20 switch grip curls
Pyramid 15/12/10/8: Bicep opener to hammer curl
Pyramid 15/12/10/8: Dumbbell squat press
Burnout – bicep pulse
Cool Down
Week 1 Day 2: Leg Day Equipment needed: light/medium/heavy dumbbells, booty band, step/bench Activation Circuit (4 minutes)– 12 squats, 20 static lunges, 10 3 jacks to sumo squats 10 minute tabata – 20 on 10 off 4 times
Strength Circuit 1 (5 mins.): 12 weighted squat to lunge, 20 lunge kickbacks, 20 sumo pulse Challenge move cardio 1 min. squat up and overs on bench Strength Circuit 2 (5 mins.): 12 weighted lunge to squat hops, 12 squat pile, 20 sumo pulse Challenge move cardio 1 min. squat up and overs on bench Cool Down |
Week 1 Day 3: Push Day (Chest, Triceps, Shoulders)
Equipment needed: light/medium/heavy dumbbells, band
Activation Circuit (5 minutes)- 12 band pull aparts, 12 tricep extensions, 12 pullovers
Triset – 12 chest press, 12 Arnold press start with palms facing in,
12 kickbacks
Challenge Combo Move #1 – 3 sets of 10 push ups
Pyramid #1 – Chest – Chest fly
Pyramid #2 – Triceps – double pulse tricep extensions
Pyramid #3 – Shoulders – shoulder press (palms face each other)
Challenge Combo Move #2 – kickback to overhead press
Cool Down
Week Day 4: Full Body (Combo Moves)
Equipment needed: light/medium dumbbells
Warm Up- 2 mins.- jog, jacks, squats, marching crunch, y swings
Tabata Style 40 on 10 off 4 times
- Squat rotate press
- Walking plank to shoulder taps
- Reverse lunge knee up pull weight up with other hand (weight in moving leg)
- Side step with hammer curl to side step with bent arm side raises
- Reverse lunge knee up pull weight up with other hand (weight in moving leg)
- Lateral lunge to upright row
5 Minute Core Circuit 20 crunches, 20 bicycle crunches, 20 heel touches, 10 reverse crunches
Cool Down
Week 2 Day 1: Pull Day (Back and Biceps)
Equipment needed: light/medium/heavy dumbbells, bands
Activation Circuit 95 Minutes): 12 ½ Deadlift row, 12 band pull aparts, 15 bicep curls
Superset: 12 dumbbell rows, 21 technique
Challenge Combo Move #1 3 sets of 10 – Weighted Burpee
Challenge Como Move #2 3 sets of 10 – Bicep row to curl
Superset: 5 curls, 5 pulses, 12 elbow squeeze press
Pyramid 15/12/10/8: Bicep row to curl
Burnout – plank renegade row
Cool Down
Week 2 Day 2: Leg Day
Equipment needed: light/medium/heavy dumbbells, booty band
Activation Circuit (4 minutes)– 20 side raises to kickbacks, 20 clamshells, 12 crab walks
10 minute tabata – 20 on 10 off 4 times
- Split squats
- Snap Jumps
- Lunge to forward kick
- Mountain climber
- Lunge to forward kick
Strength Circuit 1 (5 mins.): 12 alternating kettlebell lunge knee ups, 12 elevated heel squats, 12 dp squat jumps
Challenge move cardio 1 min. Forward to reverse lunge to jump lunge switch
Strength Circuit 1 (5 mins.): 12 alternating kettlebell lunge knee ups, 12 elevated heel squats, 12 dp squat jumps
Cool Down
Week 2 Day 3: Push Day (Chest, Triceps, Shoulders)
Equipment needed: light/medium/heavy dumbbells
Activation Circuit (5 minutes)- 12 upright rows, 12 tricep circles, 12 raised leg chest press
Triset – 12 Lateral raise to front raise alt., 20 static kickbacks, 12 chest fly
Challenge Combo Move #1 – 3 sets of 10 upright row to posture curl
Pyramid #1 – Chest – close grip chest press
Pyramid #2 – Triceps – skull crusher
Pyramid #3 – Shoulders – bent arm side raises
Challenge Combo Move #2 – 1 minute each pushups and tricep pushups
Cool Down
Week 2 Day 4: Full Body (Combo Moves)
Equipment needed: light/medium dumbbells
Warm Up- 2 mins.- jog, jacks, squats, marching crunch, y swings
Tabata Style 40 on 10 off 4 times
- Reverse Lunge and Curl
- Split squat weighted thruster
- 10 Push-up renegade row
- Knee driver with weight (2 times each side)
- Curtsy lunge to side raise
- Squat weight swing and pass
5 Minute Core Circuit 12 moving crunches, 20 double pulse seated pull back, 12 bent leg jack knives
Cool Down
Week 3 Day 1: Pull Day (Back and Biceps)
Equipment needed: light/medium/heavy dumbbells, band
Activation Circuit (5 Minutes): 8 single single double reverse fly, 12 hammer curls, 12 band pull aparts
Superset: 12 wide curls, 12 bicep rows
Challenge Combo Move #1 – 3 sets double row, double curl
Challenge Como Move #2 – 3 sets of 10 upright row to posture curl
Superset: 12 deadlifts (heavy), 12 ½ curl pause
Pyramid 15/12/10/8: double row, double curl
Pyramid 15/12/10/8: upright row to posture curl
Burnout – if time – wide bicep pulse
Cool Down
Week 3 Day 2: Leg Day
Equipment needed: light/medium/heavy dumbbells, booty band
Activation Circuit (4 minutes)– 12 step out squats, 20 lunge calf raise, 12 glute bridges
10 minute tabata – 20 on 10 off 4 times
- Double pulse jump squat
- Fast feet shuffle run
- Knee driver hops left
- 2 jacks, 2 plank jacks
- Knee driver hops right
Strength Circuit 2 (5 mins.): 20 lateral lunge weight drop (kettlebell), 20 reverse lunge with weight at chest, 12 dp sumo squat with weights
Challenge move cardio 1 min.
3 pulse squat jumps
Strength Circuit 2 (5 mins.): 20 lateral lunge weight drop (kettlebell), 20 reverse lunge with weight at chest, 12 dp sumo squat with weights
Challenge move cardio 1 min.
3 pulse squat jumps
Cool Down
Week 3 Day 3: Push Day (Chest, Triceps, Shoulders)
Equipment needed: light/medium/heavy dumbbells
Activation Circuit (5 minutes)- 20 banded kneeling overhead press, 10 side-side-both chest press, 12 kickbacks
Triset – 12 arnold press palms face in, 12 shoulder to shoulder press, 12 skull crusher
Challenge Combo Move #2 – 3 sets of 10 flys to tris
Challenge Combo Move #1 – 3 sets of 10 bird dog kickback
Pyramid #1 – Shoulders – upright row to lateral raise
Pyramid #2 – Triceps – double weight tricep extension
*Burnout- squat thrust
Cool Down
Week 3 Day 4: Full Body (Combo Moves)
Equipment needed: light/medium/heavy dumbbells
Warm Up- 2 mins.- jog, jacks, squats, marching crunch, y swings
Tabata Style 40 on 10 off 4 times
- Double pulse squat curl (weights are at shoulders for squat)
- alternating reverse lunge raise arm with weight
- Walkout plank stand to double row
- Low chair overhead surrenders
- Pushup to crouch
- Weighted squat hop to lunge
5 Minute Core Circuit 15 paused crunches, 30 flutter kicks, 30 heel taps, 30 side crunches
Cool Down
Week 4 Day 1: Pull Day (Back and Biceps)
Equipment needed: light/medium/heavy dumbbells, band
Activation Circuit (5 Minutes): 12 banded lat pulldowns, 20 alternating curl ins, 12 pullovers
Superset: 12 kneeling curls, 12 switch grip rows
Challenge Combo Move #1 3 sets of 5 – 2 bicep rows, 2 curls
Challenge Como Move #2 3 sets of 10 – reverse fly to hammer curl
Superset: 12 bicep curl to extensions, 20 back raises
Pyramid 10/8/6 2 bicep rows, 2 curls
Pyramid 15/12/10/8: reverse fly to hammer curl
Burnout – if time – weighted burpees
Cool Down
Week 4 Day 2: Leg Day
Equipment needed: light/medium/heavy dumbbells, booty band
Activation Circuit (4 minutes)– 12 squats, 20 static lunges, 10 3 jacks to sumo squats
10 minute tabata – 20 on 10 off 4 times
- Skaters
- high knees with pause after 3
- Curtsey to knee up (2 each side)
- Squat to lunge hops
- In out Squats with Band
Strength Circuit 1 (5 mins.): 12 weighted squat to tiptoe, 20 static lunges with weight in air, 12 crab walks
Challenge move cardio 1 min. Jump lunges
Strength Circuit 1 (5 mins.): 12 weighted squat to tiptoe, 20 static lunges with weight in air, 12 crab walks
Challenge move cardio 1 min. Jump lunges
Cool Down
Week 4 Day 3: Push Day (Chest, Triceps, Shoulders)
Equipment needed: light/medium/heavy dumbbells
Activation Circuit (5 minutes)- 40 jump rope, 12 chest press, 12 skull crushers
Triset – 5 side, angle, front raises, 12 chest flys, 12 static kickbacks
Challenge Combo Move #1 – 3 sets of 10 snatch
Challenge Combo Move #2 – 3 sets of 10 push up to x plank
Pyramid #1 – Chest – close grip chest press
Pyramid #2 – Triceps – dp skull crushers
Pyramid #3 – Shoulders – car driver
*Repeat Challenge Combo Move #1 or 2 if time –
Cool Down
Week 4 Day 4: Full Body (Combo Moves)
Equipment needed: light/medium/heavy dumbbells
Warm Up- 2 mins.- jog, jacks, squats, marching crunch, y swings
Tabata Style 35 on 10 off 4 times
- Reverse lunge alternate weight in air (weight in front leg/hand goes up- step back leg weight is down)
- walking plank to plank jack
- Curtsey lunge to upright row
- Squat to hammer curl out weight down side kick
- Deadlift dumbbell row to curl
- Sumo squat press to elbow press
5 Minute Core Circuit 20 crunches, 20 bicycle crunches, 20 heel touches, 10 reverse crunches
Cool Down
Frequently Asked Questions
I’m so sore! Is this normal?
Yes, yes, and yes! You will be very sore in the beginning even if you are an avid gym goer! I promise it gets better and I promise it’s worth it! You are working hard and using muscles you may not have been using before. Also the workouts are intense— As we get into the program you will still be sore from time to time but never as sore as the first week and that’s normal too! This program uses progressive overload- so you are progressively increasing what your body needs to grow stronger, build muscle, and not plateau. Make sure you take time to stretch post workout and drink lots of water!
I can’t do _______ exercise because ________.
You fill in the blanks here! We all have limitations due to injuries or just the way our bodies works and there is always a way to modify or an alternative exercise you could easily swap out to work the same muscle group. I try to share and model modifications throughout the workouts. Never do an exercise just because it’s written in the workout if it’s not good for your body! You’ll see in some videos I swap out walking lunges because they start to bother my knee. I don’t want to see any of you get injured trying to do something “just because”.
When can I expect to see results?
Everyone is different– for some they start to see it/feel it after only a couple weeks, for others it takes a little longer but you will definitely get much stronger over the next 4 weeks and you are laying the foundation for long term success!
Oh and if you haven’t already take a progress picture now! Sometimes the scale may not move as much or as quickly as you’d like but I guarantee there will be changes going on to your body composition over the next few weeks/months and having a “before” picture is so motivating! As weird and uncomfortable as it may be take a picture in your sports bra– just do it and and file it away to refer back to– you’ll be happy you did!
Do I have to complete the 4 days in order? What happens if I miss one?
No! You can do day 2 first or day 3 first and day 1 last. Whatever you’re preference is! Just get all 4 in throughout the week! You have 7 days to get 4 workouts in- anyway that works for you! Just be sure to do the weeks in order because they do follow progressive overload and the program was written to be done sequentially to get the most out of each workout!
It’s ok if you miss a workout– life happens! The important thing is that you keep going and you stay consistent. Don’t let one missed workout turn into two turn into a a week turn into, “I quit.” One missed workout will not make or break you 😉 Think bigger picture!

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

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Frequently asked questions
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

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- Third idea
- Fourth idea
Student success
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What you'll learn
Module 1
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- List Item #7
Module 2
- List Item #1
- List Item #2
- List Item #3
- List Item #4
- List Item #5
- List Item #6
- List Item #7
Module 3
- List Item #1
- List Item #2
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- List Item #4
- List Item #5
- List Item #6
- List Item #7
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

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- List your fourth offering
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- List your sixth offering

Hi, I’m Lauren, an online fitness trainer, macros coach, certified personal trainer, certified sports nutritionist, reading specialist, wife, and a mom of three busy kids! Needless to say I understand what it’s like to have a lot on your plate and a packed schedule, which is why all of my programs are designed to fit into your life no matter how busy you are!
You don’t have to sacrifice your workouts just because you don’t have time to get to the gym!
FABfit was designed for you!
Literally— I’ve written this workout program with you in mind because well…. I AM A BUSY MOM…. and teacher Check it out, try FABfit for FREE and see what the buzz is all about!

Since starting FABFit I have been able to fit more workouts into my schedule then when I would use the gym. My FABFit workouts are more consistent, more challenging, and more flexible to schedule. I also love the amount of time I save not traveling to a gym and working around class schedules. Win-win all around! Thank you.

I started FABfiit with Lauren almost a year ago and it is the longest I have ever stuck with a program! I hated working out, but I look forward to my FabFit workouts every week! Not only did Lauren’s program help me lose 30 pounds, I am now stronger and more toned in areas that I never thought I would be.


Does this sound like you?
🙋🏻♀️ Do you want to workout but struggle to stay motivated?
🙋🏻♀️ Do you start working out only to quit a week later?
🙋🏻♀️ Do you get bored easily when exercising?
🙋🏻♀️ Do you just want to have fun AND workout?
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
~ Real Women, Real Results ~
I started FABfit about a year after having my second child. At that time I was about 40 pounds over weight, had little energy, lacked confidence, and didn’t think I could fit in a workout program while juggling a family and full time job. Once I started FABfit I was hooked because it easily fit into my busy schedule and I worked out at the times that were convenient to me and my family. This program has given me the permission to do something for myself! I’ve become stronger, lost weight, and gained confidence. I’m so proud to be part of the FABfit community!

FABfit was designed for you!
- New Year, New You Program starts on 1/9/22
- EARLY ACCESS on Jan. 1st (must join by 12/31)
- No Credit Card Required!
- Finally find success and actully enjoy workingout!